"Cuffley School is incredibly warm and welcoming." Ofsted, 12th & 13th March 2024


A foundation school

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school and what training have the staff?

We are constantly striving to deliver the very best education to all our children. We are always looking for training to attend to further our expertise. We have staff trained in ELKLAN (a speech and language programme), WellComm (a speech and language assessment for Early Years), Fischer Family Trust, an intensive reading and writing programme, ELS (Early Literacy Support).


We are part of a cluster of schools committed to delivering services locally, DSPL 6, (Delivering Special Provision Locally). The lead school is The Wroxham in Potters Bar, see link below.


We have close links to special outreach providers, such as Watling View Special School.


For children who demonstrate social and emotional difficulties, we access support from Summerswood Primary Support Base.


Referrals are made by the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and in extreme cases, where all other support has been exhausted, to an Educational Psychologist.


We call on other professionals to support specific need, including the School Nurse, a Speech and Language Therapist and an Art Therapist. We also call upon the Local Authority team, known as Integrated Services for Learning, for advice and support for individual cases.


All classes/year groups have a learning support assistant in the classroom in the mornings, with some 1:1 support for our children with education and health care plans (EHCPs). In the afternoon LSAs provide targeted support usually in the form of small group interventions or 1:1 programmes, usually outside the classroom.


If the support in school does not have the impact hoped for, then in consultation with the child and parents, a Single Service Request form will be filled out asking for advice and support from an outside agency. If there is a possible medical issue parents will be encouraged to visit the GP and request a referral to the paediatrician.
