Nursery Tours Available for September 2025 Intake


A foundation school



"The curriculum is carefully sequenced and highly ambitious. Pupils build their knowledge step by step, developing their creativity and imagination as they move through the school."

Ofsted, 12th and 13th March 2024


Assessment takes two forms:  summative assessment (a snapshot in time) at various points, which is formal and includes statutory assessment; and formative assessment, which is informal, daily, ongoing teacher assessment of children’s learning and understanding.  The combination of both types of assessment informs teachers’ planning and supports children in making progress in their learning.


Children are supported in undertaking self and peer assessment from an early age, so that they can see how well they are doing with their learning and how to improve their work. They are shown how to look at their own and other children’s work, focusing on the positives, acknowledging success and setting targets to improve their learning.


Children's learning is assessed on an ongoing basis and is tracked termly.


There are also a number of statutory assessment points:


In the Early Years we track children’s progress predominantly through observation and discussion, centred on the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.  At the end of Reception, children are formally assessed against the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and this information is shared with the parents before the children go into Year 1.


"The curriculum begins in the early years, where children in the Nursery and Reception classes undertake high-quality, well-planned learning opportunities."

Ofsted, 12th and 13th March 2024


In Year 1, children’s knowledge of phonics is assessed and parents are advised whether their child is working at expected levels or whether children will need to re-take the test in Year 2.


At the end of Key Stage 1, Year 2 children are formally assessed in English and mathematics – Key Stage 1 statutory assessments (SATs) –  and levels are reported to parents.


In Key Stage 2 children are assessed at two key points.  At the end of Year 4 children have to complete the statutory times tables test and parents will be advised if children are working at age-related expectations or not.  At the end of Year 6 children are formally assessed through national SATs tests and these results, along with teacher assessments, are reported to parents.


Throughout the year and across the school, senior leaders and teachers regularly meet to hold pupil progress and attainment meetings so that every child’s learning and progress is discussed. This enables us to target appropriate support to groups of children and individuals.


During the autumn term parent consultations are arranged between teachers and parents  to discuss how children have settled in to their new year groups and to share targets for the coming year. Towards the end of the spring term an annual written report is sent to parents. A final parents consultation meeting takes place in the summer term where parents have the opportunity to review their child’s progress with the class teacher.


If parents have any concerns at other times during the school year, they are encouraged to make an appointment to see the class teacher at a mutually convenient time.


For outcomes please see School Performance.
