A foundation school
The identification of special educational needs is built into the school’s approach to teaching and learning, along with monitoring the progress and development of all children. This will be done mainly through formative assessment, on a daily basis and summative assessment at various points throughout the year. At the end of key stages there are more formal testing arrangements. Children are also given opportunities to feed back on their strengths and areas of development as they take control of their own learning.
Early identification of a need is beneficial so that effective provision can be put in place quickly to improve outcomes for a child. A pupil has Special Educational Needs (SEN) where a learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision. This will be different from, or additional to, that usually available for pupils of the same age.
Class teachers will discuss initial concerns with parents (and the Special Educational Needs Coordinator). Parents are also encouraged to contact class teachers if they have concerns. This two-way approach is very important. This can be done at any time during the year. There are two formal parent consultations during the year, as well as a formal annual written report. Parents can contact Mrs. Bedwell, the SENCO at any time.
If a child is falling below Age-Related Expectations this will be flagged up as a possible concern and teachers will discuss this at termly progress meetings with the senior leadership team. Suitable support or intervention will then be put in place and parents advised accordingly. Children falling below age-related expectations at any time do not necessarily have SEND but it can act as an early indicator.