Nursery Tours Available for September 2025


A foundation school

How will school staff support my child?

The first response to a progress concern is quality first teaching targeted at a child’s individual need. There may also be some focussed group intervention, usually for about  6-8 weeks, aimed at boosting a particular area, including but not limited to, mathematics, English, social skills, memory skills and/or confidence levels. Where progress continues to be less than expected the class teacher, working with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), will assess whether the child has Special Educational Needs (SEN). Parents will be contacted to ascertain their point of view about their child’s learning and progress and will have the opportunity to discuss any additional support that may be given at school and how they can support at home. If further assessment is undertaken the class teacher and/or SENCO will make contact with the parents. This may also be discussed with the child (if this is appropriate to do so) to gain their point view.


Having agreed group or individual support, this will usually be delivered by our teaching  assistants under the direction of the class teacher. Sometimes teachers will have a role in delivering some interventions. The senior leadership team are kept informed of additional support and the impact of that support on learning through progress meetings and the updating of assessment information. Individuals will also have their profiles annotated using the inclusion register; a school register of children who have received additional support. Children’s progress is monitored throughout.


Regular meetings are held with the SEN Governor, who reports back to the governing body on school strategy, including identification of pupils with SEN, additional provision, assessment and monitoring.

SEN updates are shared with the Local Authority School Effectiveness Adviser.  The school’s SEN Policy and practice is also evaluated during OFSTED inspections.
