"Cuffley School is incredibly warm and welcoming." Ofsted, 12th & 13th March 2024


A foundation school

What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

In addition to our particular ethos, encompassing the POWERS, (Perseverance, Optimism, Wonder, Evaluation, Reasoning and Social), we have specific systems and procedures in place to support the wellbeing of every child. In addition, we have a nurture room, the Oasis, which has been set up as a dedicated space for children who may find learning challenging in a mainstream classroom. At lunchtimes there is a Games Club which operates for all children in school, as well as our more vulnerable children who can choose to attend on any lunchtime. Many of our Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) are trained Learning Mentors and support children from Years 1-6 with concerns in and out of school.  We can also refer to Child and Mental Health Services (CAMHS) if these other interventions fail or the need is greater.


We have numerous trained First Aiders and several staff have received specialist Paediatric First Aid Training and one of these is always on call for the medical room. Medicines are only administered if they are on prescription and a parental consent form has been filled out. We have a disabled toilet and shower.


Please see school policies, including the First Aid Policies, the Managing Medication Policy and the Intimate Care Policy.
